

this one has a penchant for solving mysteries. the sassy, reno-raised creep kicks high and confounds strangers with her natural wit. if she’s not analyzing podcasts or eating pizza, she’s probably aggressively petting her fat cat, sebastian.


Recent Shows

hello, cheetle. goin' goldi style tonight. xo, amber + britt

hello, cheetle. 120 mins

hello, cheetle. 120 mins

hello, cheetles. back up. back off. ye-ow. we're all gettin' pinched tonight. xo, amber + britt

hello, cheetle. 120 mins

hello, cheetles. table for one; pourin' for two. xo, britt

hello, cheetle. 120 mins

Blog Posts

death records on cheetle radio 5/15 @ 6pm

The cheetles are stickety-stoked to have the Death Records dudes in the studio this week playing some EXCLUSIVE TRAXX!!! Plus, win tix to DEATHSTOCK --the hottest fest to hit guerneville since--never! Tune innnn. Get blasted. Read More →