



Most recently, Key Party played Perfectly Lethal - Outtake by The Replacements on Thursday 30th May, 2024.

On has played Twin/Tone releases from artists such as Replacements.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Twin/Tone!

Take a dive into a block of sound that spans the limits of genre and is held together by a central weekly theme.

Themed playlists that make you feel things.

Where melody is king and words mean something.

a collection of songs to make you feel in the know

Screams, shouts, with a sprinkle of groaning and moaning from new and old queer artists. Raising the voices of my fellow dykes, and just early enough to upset the neighbors!

Synths, surf rock, garage, punk, noise, psych, hip-hop, a little bit of soul, trip-hop and music from other decades.

Because it take allsorts (of sounds).

night time music for night time people at night... songs for the lovers and songs for the lonelyhearts and songs for those on the in-between