Highbrow Happy Hour

About Highbrow Happy Hour

Highbrow Happy Hour welcomes folk of all brows, emotional states and timelines to two hours of music curated for your afternoon listening pleasure. Need a reminder of just how cool you really are? Here it is. Kick back, feel good.

From soulful grooves to jazzy chord progressions to smooth latin vibes, Dan Merino and Logan Hershfeld cover ground old and new, distant and local,  digging for songs and artists with that extra little zing.

The Highbrow Happy Hour also features the occasional interview with local musicians, artists and chefs who bring their own unique styles to the Bay Area and BFF studio.

Heavy Rotation

  • Monday 4:00 – 6:00pm (bi-weekly)


  • S4 E2 120 mins

  • It's a new season, we shall never forget this episode.

    S4 E1 120 mins

  • Tune in anytime by adding Highbrow Happy Hour to your podcast app.

    Get Link
  • S3 E39 120 mins

  • Tam me and the radio. Always good to hang with good friends.

    S3 E38 120 mins

  • This is for you bud. Let's celebrate summer and get this mood in the right direction. Imagine your on a boat, a pontoon boat and you…

    S3 E37 120 mins

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Celebrating my last year being a teenager! Playing music I grew up with and specializing in student-run bands and student independent artists! Join me in the journey where I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.