
Smalltown Supersound



Most recently, DREAM GARDEN played More Than a Woman by Kelly Lee Owens on Saturday 25th May, 2024.

On has played Smalltown Supersound releases from artists such as Kelly Lee Owens, Carmen Villain, Lindstrom, Lost Girls, Bendik Giske.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Smalltown Supersound!

Experimental electronic and electroacoustic soundscapes, from ambient to avant-pop.

Martyrs is a carnival of sound. From jarring noise to haunting ambient, from mind-bending electronica to poetic dissonance, Martyrs seeks to lift up the sounds that embrace the chaos, the cacophony and the beauty found in the unconventional.

Synths, surf rock, garage, punk, noise, psych, hip-hop, a little bit of soul, trip-hop and music from other decades.

“This isn't about looking good. This isn't about making people like you. Remember why we're here: No magic. Just music.”

Mixing a musical nightcap of ambient, experimental and post-everything bliss

Good Morning This is Louise

Hang out backstage with your new favorite band.