
Slow Fiction


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Recent broadcasts featuring Slow Fiction

  • We're just a few days away from the summer solstice! I love when I can go outside at 7 PM and feel like my day has…

    Top Spin S1 E133 120 mins

  • If November is really the "Thursday" of the year, then June feels like it would be the Saturday. Today's set really has it all: everything from…

    Top Spin S1 E131 120 mins

  • Anticipating May flowers... It's been a beautiful Monday morning, the calm after the storm (Saturday was intense!), and we're kicking it off with a set of…

    Top Spin S1 E128 120 mins

  • On this episode, guest artist Derek Barber, aka PERHAPSY, has a conversation about the creative process and choosing art as a path, as we dive deep…

    WOTP Radio 120 mins

  • Hello and good morning BFF community! It's been a whirlwind past few weeks, resulting in some solid gold releases. I'm excited to showcase some new favorites…

    Top Spin S1 E125 120 mins

Love Slow Fiction? These shows are for you!

Delivering a fun mix of independent and alternative music, featuring old favorites, new tracks, and local acts

Two hours of fresh music from the Bay and beyond, with a second hyperlocal hour spotlight on all new releases from Bay area bands and artists, highlighted by a conversation and deep sonic dive with a different local guest artist(s) every episode.


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