



Most recently, Cult Hero played If You're Feeling Sinister by Belle and Sebastian on Monday 20th May, 2024.

On has played Jeepster releases from artists such as Belle & Sebastian.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Jeepster!

Cult Hero is a mix of classic and modern. It’s a lifetime of influences, including power pop, new wave, classic & retro soul, electronics, and jangly guitars. Mondays 6-7a Pacific on

Music as sweet as candy your favorite grandparent always carried with them

Delivering a fun mix of independent and alternative music, featuring old favorites, new tracks, and local acts

Celebrating my last year being a teenager! Playing music I grew up with and specializing in student-run bands and student independent artists! Join me in the journey where I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.

Take a dive into a block of sound that spans the limits of genre and is held together by a central weekly theme.

Underground jamz and hidden gemz that DJ Meesh has dug up for your listening pleasure!

Because it take allsorts (of sounds).

Alternating friends droppin’ noisy tunes and chill cuts from everywhere.