
mercury kx



Most recently, Sounds In The Dark played Try (feat. Daniel Herskedal) by Keaton Henson on Wednesday 17th Apr, 2024.



Check out these shows on, showcasing music from mercury kx!

Mixing a musical nightcap of ambient, experimental and post-everything bliss

Classical music without the fetish for BBBDSM – Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Schubert, Mozart, etc.

Opened with guitars & ended in things that bleep; new music in the fine tradition of British evening sessions.

“This isn't about looking good. This isn't about making people like you. Remember why we're here: No magic. Just music.”

a web of experimental ethereal music-fun ~ sometimes featuring guests and their funky thoughts and tunes

A weekly show where — in the spirit of a night out — we’ll try to dive into the topic of the universal language of music. Heavily biased towards Eastern Europe, Brazil and San Francisco.