Episode 035 - Indictment

Bobby 3 sticks and company delivered its first sealed indictment pertaining to the Russian investigation. Three dimensional chess versus rock paper scissors. Lots of goings on here in our free Republic of California and behind enemy lines.

The revolution is happening, babies. Another day closer to victory. Enjoy the Rock, fight the powers that be.



  1. The Motherload - Mastodon - Once More 'Round The Sun by Mastodon on Once More Round the Sun
  2. Set Me Straight by Melvins on xxx
  3. sPeak! by Public Enemy on Nothing is Quick in the Desert
  4. Pretzel Logic Body by Prince & 3rdEyeGirl on xxx
  5. Little By Little by Robert Plant on xxx
  6. Woman by Wolf Mother on Wolf Mother EP
  7. I Hate by The Urinals on xxx
  8. How Trump Manipulates America with Twitter by Keith Olbermann on The Resistance (GQ)
  9. Fuckers by Savages on xxx
  10. Scrape by Chelsea Wolfe on xxx
  11. Diamond Head by The Plastics on xxx
  12. Mexicola by Queens of the Stone Age on xxx
  13. Molochwalker by The Mars Volta on xxx