Paradise of Bachelors

Tunes from Paradise of Bachelors


  1. Buddy by Itasca on Open to Chance (Paradise of Bachelors)
  2. You and I (On the Other Side of the World) by The Weather Station on The Weather Station (Paradise of Bachelors)
  3. All in Down and Out by Jake Xerses Fussell on Jake Xerses Fussell (Paradise of Bachelors)
  4. Wintress Woma by James Elkington on Make It Up (Paradise of Bachelors)
  5. Sufferer (Love My Conqueror) by Hiss Golden Messenger on Haw (Paradise of Bachelors)
  6. Sally Rose by Gun Outfit on Out of Range (Paradise of Bachelors)
  7. Amarillo Highway by Terry Allen on Lubbock (On Everything) (Paradise of Bachelors)
  8. Come Out Singing by Lavender Country on Lavender Country (Paradise of Bachelors)
  9. In the Mourning by Mike Cooper on Trout Steel (Paradise of Bachelors)
  10. Reel Around the Fountain by James Elkington and Nathan Salsburg on Ambsace (Paradise of Bachelors)
  11. Jonah/Poor Liza Jane by Nathan Bowles on Nansemond (Paradise of Bachelors)
  12. Restore and Slip by Mind Over Mirrors on Undying Color (Paradise of Bachelors)