My Sick & Twisted Reality 13


  1. I'm Gonna Punch You (In the Butt) by Needlecraft on HUNK OUT (Minor Bird Records)
  2. + (Plus Sign) by Beat Drun Juel on Suppressor (self released)
  3. Turing by Deafcult on Deafcult (Black Wire Records)
  4. Pet Cemetery by The Paranoyds on Eat Their Own (self released)
  5. Generic Girl, Your Heroine by Girl, Girl on Generic Girl, Your Heroine (self released)
  6. Planes by Xenon Superstar on demos (self released)
  7. Victims by Tropic of Cancer on Archive: The Downwards Singles (Blackest Ever Black)
  8. Apied by CHANNELS 3x4 on Christianity (Gilgongo Records)
  9. Cap Guns by Sculpture Club on A Place To Stand (Cercle Social Records)
  10. Why Are You Afraid? by Candelaria Varela on Confesiones De Un Sábado a la Noche (Self-Released)
  11. Lights Out by Garbagio on Garbagio EP (Self-Released)
  12. Le Cauchemar by Koban on Abject Obsessions (Avant! Records)
  13. Everyone Needs To Be In Love by Spook School on Try To Be Hopeful (Fortuna Pop!)
  14. Glue Sniffer by Daddy Issues on Fuck Marry Kill (self released)
  15. Noir by Hante. on This Fog That Never Ends (Synth Religion)
  16. Don't Forget by Hideous Towns on Disquiet Living (The Lost And Lonesome Recording Co.)
  17. Coke Floats by Failed Flowers on Failed Flowers EP (25 Diamonds)
  18. Flower Glass by Hand Habits on Wildly Idle (Humble Before The Void) (Woodsist)
  19. Sunny In California by Aberdeen on Homesick and Happy To Be Here (The Tremolo Arm Users Club)
  20. Fuck You by Palberta on Hot On The Beach (Self-Released)
  21. Careless by The Delphines on Hush (Self-Released)
  22. Why Can't We? by Blushing on Tether (Self-Released)
  23. In My Blood by Nightmare Fortress on The Warning (Self-Released)
  24. Reservoir by Warehouse on Super Low (Bayonet Records)
  25. Dream Song (dead) by Lala Lala on Sleepyhead (self released)
  26. Slow Motion by Wildhoney on Your Face Sideways EP (Topshelf Records)
  27. Our Freedom, Our Darkness by Memory Girls on Our Freedom, Our Darkness (Dufflecoat Records)
  28. Doll Like by Slum of Legs on Doll Like (Tuff Enuff)