
Recent Shows

Episode title "What Will We Say" is from the song "Cumulus Surrounding" by Sutros ( bandcamp ), who play Edinburgh Castle on Saturday with UFO Baby, Ex-Heir, and Quinine…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

Episode title "Flowers at Your Door" is a song by Johnny Maraca & the Marockers ( bandcamp ), who play the Purple House on Saturday with…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

Episode title refers to Thursday's show at the Makeout Room starring Jimmy Touzel, Indianna Hale and Francesco Echo, which promises “the Grand Reveal of Jimmy’s Custom Nudie…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

Episode title "Growing Underground" is from the Cuneiform Tabs song "Planted Boy" from the Sloth mate release Cuneiform Tabs ( bandcamp ). instagram: @iluvmondaysbfffm twitter: @iluvmondaysWill…

I Luv Mondays 60 mins

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