Waxing Satellite .❍. Radio Show

About Waxing Satellite .❍. Radio Show

Waxing Satellite .❍. is the pan-Pacific musical exploration exploit of Bridge and Carl, founded with the sole purpose of chattering enthusiastically about the music we’re enamoured with. Our lunar cult of a website embraces all things spacey, groovy, stimulating, interesting, out there, in here and everything else that emerges from the meta-cracks.

Send us some music, even the unfinished, we would love to hear it.


- WS .❍.

Heavy Rotation


  • "Drop that truth bomb on you, and then say goodbye." "Thank you so much for having us, it's been beautiful." All extra information/linx can be found…

  • "We're going to look after you for an hour this week... We're trying out a new format... ...super-potent show..."  "The void wears us down... Existing in…

  • Tune in anytime by adding Waxing Satellite .❍. Radio Show to your podcast app.

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  • ""Maybe this is us for the rest of time... maybe all our time is here..." "Maybe there's just this filter that BFF.fm turn on and off...

  • “NOW WE'RE JUST MAKING STUFF UP. NOT EVEN USING WORDS...” All extra information/linx can be found through: waxingsatellite.net @waxingsatellite Thank you very much for listening, we…

  • "Slightly different to the New Age, but hey, we're in the new age aren't we." All extra information/linx can be found through: waxingsatellite.net @waxingsatellite Thank you…

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