
Riding Easy



Most recently, Loose Canon Listening Club played Eyes of the Law by Here Lies Man on Sunday 7th Apr, 2024.

On has played Riding Easy releases from artists such as Here Lies Man, DEATHCHANT, Hell Fire, spiny norman, Zig Zags.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Riding Easy!

Start your Mondays with riffs, roars, and ragers from California's metal underground.

ear rippers and garage bangers that promise to get you cats all riled up.

Classical music without the fetish for BBBDSM – Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Schubert, Mozart, etc.

Synths, surf rock, garage, punk, noise, psych, hip-hop, a little bit of soul, trip-hop and music from other decades.

a potpourri of artists & genres to keep those music taste buds tinglin'!

Tender Knob Radio with Metro Matt looks ahead at Bay Area shows this week and an assortment of Sunday evening selections.

This is a love letter to the road trip.