B-Side Dreams 124 - Bedroom and Garage


  1. IF IT by Drinks on Hippo Lite (Drag City)
  2. Pink or Die by Drinks on Hippo Lite (Drag City)
  3. Prom Song by Teenage Burritos on Something to Cry About (Volar/Burger)
  4. Angelita by Swiftumz on Don't Trip (Burger)
  5. My Parking Tweetar by Spring Onion on I Did My Taxes For Free Online (https://springonion.bandcamp.com/)
  6. Rice by Rhombus on Margins (Self 2006)
  7. Sidewalk by Rhombus on Margins (Self 2006)
  8. Always by Madeline Kenney on Night Night At The First Landing (Company Records)
  9. Mine by The Ocean Party on Guilt (https://theoceanparty.bandcamp.com/)
  10. The Clock by The Go-Betweens on The Friends of Rachel Worth (Clearspot, EFA 2000)
  11. Golden Mile by Chug on Sassafras (Flying Nun 1994)
  12. Safety in Crosswords by Look Blue Go Purple on Bewitched (Flying Nun 1985)
  13. Tryin' by Shannon & The Clams on Onion (Easy Eye 2018)
  14. Morro Bay by Air Waves on Warrior (Western Vinyl 2018)
  15. All Night Blues by Fungi Girls on Some Easy Magic (Hozac 2011)
  16. Fuck Her Tears by Times New Viking on Dancer Equired (Merge 2011)
  17. Disco by Death Valley Girls on Glow In The Dark (Burger 2016)
  18. Slippin by Feels on Feels (Castle Face 2016)