World of Echo Episode 87


  1. Follow You by Arthur Russell on Iowa Dream (Audika)
  2. Glinkamix by Graham Lambkin on Salmon Run (Kye)
  3. Two Gongs (excerpt) by Rhys Chatham on Two Gongs (Table of the Elements)
  4. Long Gone Drone (excerpt) by Ariel Kalma on Music for Quiet Times (Ariel Kalma)
  5. Al Cancello by Silvia Tarozzi on Mi specchio e rifletto (Unseen Worlds)
  6. A - Chronic Shift (excerpt) by Microtub on Chronic Shift (bohemian drifts)
  7. Untitled 8 by Nuno Canavarro on Plux Quba (Drag City)
  8. IV (excerpt) by Taj Mahal Travellers on August 1974 (Columbia)
  9. Blues Ali Lam Mim in The Modes of Rag Infinity/Rag Cosmosis (excerpt) by Catherine Christer Hennix on Live At Issue Project Room (Important Records)
  10. Song of Bliss by Khalsa String Band on Song of Bliss