Maitri's Rusty Smith and Tomas Moreno, Part 1

In this podcast, Maitri Compassionate Care's Executive Director, Reverend Father Rusty Smith, shares stories of his youth. His very New Mexican mom was a powerful figure in his early life, shaping the liberal world view Rusty espouses to this day. Rusty traces his military family upbringing all over the country and the world. The family eventually settled in Texas for his high school years.

After that, Rusty became a priest in the Anglican Church, given that the church allowed openly gay priests. He began his adult life in his mother's home state, doing charitable work in Albuquerque.

While living in New Mexico, Rusty and his husband noticed that San Francisco had become a second home for them. When the opening at Maitri happened, they made the move.

Then we meet Maitri's Development Director, Tomas Moreno. Tomas shares his story of growing up in the Central Valley and making his way to San Francisco.

Check back for Part 2 on Thursday, when we'll hear more of Tomas's story as well as his and Rusty's discussion of what Maitri is and what it does for the community.

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We recorded this podcast at Maitri Compassionate Care in April 2021.

Photography by Michelle Kilfeather

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