EP. 89: Rockspitalized

Sending well wishes to Casey from the band Virginity (our latest Bandcamp Friday snag and 2021 album feature!) Also we stole your self-meme off Twitter.

More new trax from Catbite, Backhand, and Nick Nassab

Upcoming gig! RSVP here for Timholehouse (UK), Oso de Oro & Total Cowards 11/17 at Longboard in Pacifica (8pm 21+)


  1. We Get It by Virginity on POPMORTEM (Smartpunk) New
  2. Featured Nosferattitude (The Vampire Song) by Virginity on POPMORTEM (Smartpunk) New
  3. You Can't Stop the Machine by Virginity on POPMORTEM (Smartpunk) New
  4. Hospital Jazz by Love Roses on A New Reason For The Same Old Mistakes (Self-Released)
  5. Shell Shock by The Donalds on Split (Self-Released)
  6. The Flu by PEARS on Green Star (Fat Wreck Chords)
  7. Bidi Bidi Bom Bom by Catbite on Nice One (Bad Time) New
  8. Civil Surgery by Kill Lincoln on Can't Complain (Bad Time)
  9. Psychic Trauma by Cloud Nothings on Here And Nowhere Else (Carpark)
  10. Broken Bones by Anti-Flag on The General Strike (SideOneDummy)
  11. Quarantined by Career Suicide on Anthology of Releases (Deranged)
  12. AMPM Truck by The Garden on Kiss My Super Bowl Ring (Epitaph)
  13. Clench to Stay Awake by The Garden on Kiss My Super Bowl Ring (Epitaph)
  14. Into the Wayside Part I /Sick by Ceremony on Rohnert Park (Bridge Nine)
  15. Never Gonna Die Now by Ceremony on In the Spirit World Now (Relapse)
  16. Sleeping Pills by On Drugs on Stay Yuck (Postmark)
  17. Grim Reefer by On Drugs on Stay Yuck (Postmark)
  18. Vaccination by Helmet on Betty (Interscope)
  19. Out Patient by Jawbreaker on 24 Hour Revenge Therapy (Blackball)
  20. Magic Medicine by Incubus on S.C.I.E.N.C.E (Epic)
  21. Sick Boys by Social Distortion on Social Distortion (Sony)
  22. Bended Knee by Shiner on Splay (DeSoto)
  23. Head Cold by Heroin on Destination (Gravity)
  24. Infected by Bad Religion on Stranger Than Fiction (Atlantic)
  25. 8:51 AM (Saturday Morning Congestion Blues) by Super Whatevr on Never Nothing (Hopeless)
  26. Slips, Falls by Backhand on Kiki Alarcon (EP) (UPHERE!) New
  27. All Hallows Eve by Tim Holehouse on Antidote (Aaahh!!! Real)
  28. Live at Twin Shrieks 2021! by awakebutstillinbed on Live at Twin Shrieks 2021 (Twin Peaks Sessions) Local
  29. I Don't by Nick Nassab on Beyond Clement (Self-Released) Local