Sending well wishes to Casey from the band Virginity (our latest Bandcamp Friday snag and 2021 album feature!) Also we stole your self-meme off Twitter.
More new trax from Catbite, Backhand, and Nick Nassab
Upcoming gig! RSVP here for Timholehouse (UK), Oso de Oro & Total Cowards 11/17 at Longboard in Pacifica (8pm 21+)
We Get It by Virginity on POPMORTEM (Smartpunk) New -
Featured Nosferattitude (The Vampire Song) by Virginity on POPMORTEM (Smartpunk) New -
You Can't Stop the Machine by Virginity on POPMORTEM (Smartpunk) New -
Hospital Jazz by Love Roses on A New Reason For The Same Old Mistakes (Self-Released) -
Shell Shock by The Donalds on Split (Self-Released) -
The Flu by PEARS on Green Star (Fat Wreck Chords) -
Bidi Bidi Bom Bom by Catbite on Nice One (Bad Time) New -
Civil Surgery by Kill Lincoln on Can't Complain (Bad Time) -
Psychic Trauma by Cloud Nothings on Here And Nowhere Else (Carpark) -
Broken Bones by Anti-Flag on The General Strike (SideOneDummy) -
Quarantined by Career Suicide on Anthology of Releases (Deranged) -
AMPM Truck by The Garden on Kiss My Super Bowl Ring (Epitaph) -
Clench to Stay Awake by The Garden on Kiss My Super Bowl Ring (Epitaph) -
Into the Wayside Part I /Sick by Ceremony on Rohnert Park (Bridge Nine) -
Never Gonna Die Now by Ceremony on In the Spirit World Now (Relapse) -
Sleeping Pills by On Drugs on Stay Yuck (Postmark) -
Grim Reefer by On Drugs on Stay Yuck (Postmark) -
Vaccination by Helmet on Betty (Interscope) -
Out Patient by Jawbreaker on 24 Hour Revenge Therapy (Blackball) -
Magic Medicine by Incubus on S.C.I.E.N.C.E (Epic) -
Sick Boys by Social Distortion on Social Distortion (Sony) -
Bended Knee by Shiner on Splay (DeSoto) -
Head Cold by Heroin on Destination (Gravity) -
Infected by Bad Religion on Stranger Than Fiction (Atlantic) -
8:51 AM (Saturday Morning Congestion Blues) by Super Whatevr on Never Nothing (Hopeless) -
Slips, Falls by Backhand on Kiki Alarcon (EP) (UPHERE!) New -
All Hallows Eve by Tim Holehouse on Antidote (Aaahh!!! Real) -
Live at Twin Shrieks 2021! by awakebutstillinbed on Live at Twin Shrieks 2021 (Twin Peaks Sessions) Local -
I Don't by Nick Nassab on Beyond Clement (Self-Released) Local