Head Empty. Forested Cities. Green Trees. Beep Boop Bop Techno! What a fun time! The Lost Hour opens with some heavy techno, followed by the local techno stylings of Soeneido & 4d., circled back to some heavy techno, and rounded out with some more lovely Adventure Time tracks. Hope everyone has a safe Holiday week.

Happy Monday! ~tom

The Lost Hour is a weekly web of experimental ethereal music fun~ sometimes featuring guests and their funky thoughts and tunes.


  1. Rumble On The Parade by V.A.RR on MEET US AT THE LOVE VA (Red Sea)
  2. Scrubs (4d. Jungle Rework) by 4d. on INNER CITY GREEN (NO BIAS) Local
  3. Tokyo Police Department by 4d. on INNER CITY GREEN (NO BIAS) Local
  4. When you were mine extended by 4d. on INNER CITY GREEN (NO BIAS) Local
  5. Chichiro Ragga by Soeneido on INNER CITY GREEN (NO BIAS) Local
  6. This Is How We Chill by 4d. & Soeneido on INNER CITY GREEN (NO BIAS) Local
  7. In My Mind by 4d. & Soeneido on INNER CITY GREEN (NO BIAS) Local
  8. Overload by 4d. & Soeneido on INNER CITY GREEN (NO BIAS) Local
  9. her room is a liminal space by Abssys on ELEMENTAL (Self-Release)
  10. My love for you, always forever... by Abssys on Single (Self-Release)
  11. One Day In My Factory by Benjacid on Single (Inside Entertainment HDF)
  12. Dearly Beloved (Darkness Re:Build) by DJ GHEPARD on Safe Cloud Tapes 02 (Self-Release)
  13. US by HASHTAGA on Narcissic (Manareïm)
  14. The Corridor of 1000 Deaths by Adventure Time on Adventure Time, Vol. 4 (Original Soundtrack) (Cartoon Network/Water Tower)
  15. Conversation Parade (feat. Niki Yang) by Adventure Time on Adventure Time, Vol. 4 (Original Soundtrack) (Cartoon Network/Water Tower)
  16. Clouds by Adventure Time on Adventure Time: Come Along With Me (Original Soundtrack) (Cartoon Network/Water Tower)