This episode’s kinda all over the place, dub, shoegaze, techno, noise, country blues… and drone, obviously.
Eternal Idol // Arrival of the Trainer by Stephen O'Malley on Eternelle Idole (Shelter PRess) -
Bloom and Fold by The Humble Bee + Aaron Martin on Dialog Tapes (Dauw & Eilean Records) -
Skin and Movement by Peter J Woods on Impure Gold, pt. II (FTAM / Hewhocorrupts Inc.) -
Moaning and groaning blues by Lum Guffin on Walking Victrola (Flyright) -
The Bells of Death by Augustus Pablo on Like I'm Dying: Ska Rocksteady & Dub (Mississippi) -
Autonomous Lethality by Black Rain & Shapednoise on Apophis (Cosmo Rhythmatic) -
Evening_Drum by Kowloon_Walled_City on Kowloon_Walled_City (self released) -
Joy Road by Drainolith on Hysteria (NNA Tapes) -
Wespennest by Shit and Shine on Everybody's A Fuckin Expert (Editions Mego) -
Violet by Helen on The Original Faces (Kranky) -
The Night Creeper by Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats on The Night Creeper (Rise Above) -
Meloton by Scott Tuma on Eyrie (Immune) -
Track 10 by Mark Fell & Gábor Lázár on The Neurobiology of Moral Decision Making (The Death Of Rave)