A genre-chaotic highlight reel of 2024! Discover the best of the metal underground from the Bay Area, California, and beyond.
Fragmented 100% by Necroflex on Synaptic Defragmentation (Inherited Suffering Records) -
Neural Hack by Dissimulator on Lower Form Resistance (20 Buck Spin) -
Light 'Em Up by Disastroid on Garden Creatures (Heavy Psych Sounds) Local -
Exiled to the Lower Catacombs by Fathomless Ritual on Hymns for the Lesser Gods (Transcending Obscurity Records) -
Downturn by Leaving on Liminal (Transylvanian Recordings) Local -
Shitegeist by Child on Shitegeist (Suicide Records) -
En Himlakropps Dödsbädd by Gravkvade on Prolog (Transylvanian Recordings) -
Neither Fair Nor Equal by Protosequence on Bestiary (Lacerated Enemy Records) -
Corpse of Hope by Saevus Finis on Facilis Descensus Averno (Transcending Obscurity Records) -
Love After Death by Bat Noise on Bat Noise Echolocations (Self-Released) Local -
Extremities by Trocar on Extremities (Grand Vomit Productions) -
Burn the Church by Genghis Bong on SF Psychdoom (3797629 Records) Local -
Kingdom of Cortisol by Atræ Bilis on Aumicide (20 Buck Spin) -
Jimmy by Brume on Marten (Magnetic Eye Records) Local -
Born into Torment by Nuclear Tomb on Terror Labyrinthian (Everlasting Spew Records) -
Covenant by Deliria on Phantasm (Atrabilious Productions) Local -
Outbreak of Evil by Murk Rider on The Murk Rider (Fiadh Productions) -
Twin Flame by The Last of Lucy on Godform (Transcending Obscurity Records) -
Magnolia by Botanist on Paleobotany (Deluxe Edition) (Prophecy Productions) Local -
Undying Amalgamation of Flesh and Machine (feat Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop) by Mechanistic Butchery on Post-Human Putridity (Delirium Psychosis Productions) -
Severed Ties by George Crustanza on George Crustanza (Self-Released) Local -
Rage (Indulgence) by Malconfort on Humanism (Transcending Obscurity Records) -
Malediction by Hemotoxin on When Time Becomes Loss (Pulverised Records) Local -
Epigenetic Neurogenesis (feat Matti Way) by Cephalotripsy on Epigenetic Neurogenesis (Self-Released)