



Most recently, Vibe CNTRL Radio played Sossaup by KAYTRAMINÉ on Monday 25th Mar, 2024.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from CLBN!

Got the midday struggles at work on a Monday? Well sit back and relax Vibe CNTRL Radio - your midday show from 3 - 4 PM hosted by BlckSpkz on BFF.FM

bringing a blend of international groove, funk, indie dream pop, and neo soul to the Wednesday afternoon table…most of the time. the rest is just a random finger on the pulse of punk ethereal life <3

Here to start your week off right. Stay Wavey, Stay Vibey, Stay Alive.....y

more than a loud + soft music show ☆ ft. interviews and mixes with local artists, sexual health advocates, and friends

new music, themed sets, artist takeovers and local show recs to accompany your friday night.

I Dj, I connect people with good music, and I keep you tapped in to what's goin on in the bay. Multiple genres and mixes, news and updates...Tbh one of the best places to be at 12am.

a 2-hour long channeled music that taps into the creative human experience