
Les Disques Bongo Joe



Most recently, B.A.A.A.M. Radio played Goca Dunya by Altin Gun on Monday 1st Apr, 2024.

On has played Les Disques Bongo Joe releases from artists such as Altin Gün, Citron Citron, Meridian Brothers, Meridian Brothers / Conjunto Media Luna, Mauskovic Dance Band, Guess What.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Les Disques Bongo Joe!

Because it take allsorts (of sounds).

Connecting the dots on the musical map through decades, continents, and genres.

Delivering a fun mix of independent and alternative music, featuring old favorites, new tracks, and local acts

Hang out backstage with your new favorite band.

deep roots, culturally connected sounds, an exploration of rhythms: Gumbo Grooves is one nourishing stew that fills you up, til the next time..

Alternating friends droppin’ noisy tunes and chill cuts from everywhere.

When the covid cvlt calls you, stay calm and speak gently for proper recruitment.