
Pony Canyon



Most recently, Funemployment played YATTA! by Happa-tai (Green Leaves) (葉っぱ隊) on Friday 5th Apr, 2024.

On has played Pony Canyon releases from artists such as Miki Matsubara, Happa-tai (Green Leaves) (葉っぱ隊), Lemon Angel, Yuji Toriyama, Hitomi Ishikawa.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Pony Canyon!

Sometimes it's time to take a break from the daily grind of business. Whether you're funemployed, (f)underemployed, or fully employed, Suldrew has jams for you every Friday at 5 AM.

Start happy hour with me. If you're into good tunes and chat, I'm sending for you.

a weekly journey through sounds new and old from near and far

A music and DIY culture show committed to reminding everyone of their awkward ska phase

Take a dive into a block of sound that spans the limits of genre and is held together by a central weekly theme.

Las Mañanas is for those interested in jamming to Latin music in the mornings. Every show, the host, Sebastian Miño-Bucheli, brings you a mix that includes music made by Latinx Artists and interviews with local Bay Area artists.

Babe wake up my titz want some disco. DJ 80085 comin at you with all kinds of disco! From disco classics, to disco remixes, to nu-disco, disco house, disco pop, citypop, and moreeeee!