Look into some different groups on the music pyramid to plump up some of those malnourished areas. Work up an appetite for melodious innuendo in the inside of your eardrum and shake the tail feathers through your bum.  Digest all sorts of flavors coming at you from the refrigerator and the radio- stove top hip hop, microwaveable indie glam pop, kernels of buttery delectable notes, jelly that she don’t use, and swinging to Bruce string cheese…Hope it hits the spot(-ify).

Bon Apetit.

*Thie original idea for “The Jimmy Buffet” playlist was created by my former roommates, Allison & Anna, and I when we hosted an annual food-music themed party.  Guests brought some obvious ones like Meatloaf, Bread, or got creative with puns, aka Fleetwood Mac N’ Cheese, Me and Shishka-Bobby McGees, J Cole Slaw, Salami Gomez...