there's a light out at the edge of the world , and it's the light that burns inside us all. it's a light that can blind and it's a light that can show us the way. sometimes the journey is solo. sometimes we take it together. but always we meet on new horizons

HORIZONS: a night time show of night time music for all the lovers and all the lonelyhearts out there. Your host, Christopher Wind, welcomes you with open arms as we pull back the mantle of night and wrap ourselves in a blanket of stars. 
From 10 pm to midnight; Christopher, you, the night time, and HORIZONS...

Heavy Rotation


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pickle licious tracks sprinkled with new stuff, local stuff and all the things that make up my chaos brainz

Celebrating my last year being a teenager! Playing music I grew up with and specializing in student-run bands and student independent artists! Join me in the journey where I have absolutely no idea what I am doing.