About Just Chips, No Salsa
music from microchips
Heavy Rotation
Just Chips, No Salsa plays Aki Hata, Michiru Yamane, Albino Ghost Monkey, Anamanaguchi, Bit Shifter, Bubblyfish, chalkboards, Chibi-tech
music from microchips
Just Chips, No Salsa plays Aki Hata, Michiru Yamane, Albino Ghost Monkey, Anamanaguchi, Bit Shifter, Bubblyfish, chalkboards, Chibi-tech
Episode 2 of Just Chips, Salsa focuses on the soundtracks of video games of the early 90s 16-bit era, specifically Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis.
Just Chips, No Salsa focuses on music made using vintage computers and video game consoles.