
Blackest Ever Black



Most recently, Invocation of My Demon Sister played Italian Cinema by Carla Dal Forno on Tuesday 20th Feb, 2024.

On has played Blackest Ever Black releases from artists such as Carla Dal Forno, Tropic of Cancer, Carla del Forno, F INGERS, Dalhous, Black Rain, Ossia, RAIME, Secret Boyfriend, тпсб.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Blackest Ever Black!

Experimental electronic and electroacoustic soundscapes, from ambient to avant-pop.

Music playing inside the haunted space age bachelor pads from your dreams. Experimental/industrial/psychedelia/krautrock/goth/lounge/occult/weird shit.

a web of experimental ethereal music-fun ~ sometimes featuring guests and their funky thoughts and tunes

When the covid cvlt calls you, stay calm and speak gently for proper recruitment.

Good Morning This is Louise

Pro Fans give you a break down of their favorite songs from the last 7 days and preview upcoming Bay Area shows that you just cannot miss!