
Ivy League



Most recently, Something Something Explosion played Skeleton Jar by Youth Group on Wednesday 24th Apr, 2024.

On has played Ivy League releases from artists such as Deep Sea Arcade, Youth Group, Cat Call, Alpine, Mondo Gascaro, Tiny Little Houses, The Mess Hall, The Teskey Brothers, Sures.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Ivy League!

all things fuzz and synth - electronica, psychedelia, lo-fi, garage, funk, techno ++

Opened with guitars & ended in things that bleep; new music in the fine tradition of British evening sessions.

Themed playlists that make you feel things.

Inspired by classic funk and disco, Make It Funky, a collective of DJs passionate about independent music, radio, and nightlife.

Brand new electronica music served fresh from the future right to your ears

Music as sweet as candy your favorite grandparent always carried with them