



Most recently, Sibling Rivalry played Divide Now by The Field on Sunday 31st Mar, 2024.

On has played Kompakt releases from artists such as WEVAL, The Field, Kolsch, Michael Mayer, Dave DK, Ulf Lohmann, Com.a, Wraetic, GAS, GusGus, ORB, John Tejada, Who Made Who, Thomas Fehlmann, Jono Ma & Dreems.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Kompakt!

Mixing a musical nightcap of ambient, experimental and post-everything bliss

a web of experimental ethereal music-fun ~ sometimes featuring guests and their funky thoughts and tunes

Experimental electronic and electroacoustic soundscapes, from ambient to avant-pop.

sly declarations of new classic status slipped into lists of old safe ones...

When the covid cvlt calls you, stay calm and speak gently for proper recruitment.

Martyrs is a carnival of sound. From jarring noise to haunting ambient, from mind-bending electronica to poetic dissonance, Martyrs seeks to lift up the sounds that embrace the chaos, the cacophony and the beauty found in the unconventional.