
Music World



Most recently, The Lost Hour played Fuck the Industry by Solange on Monday 29th Jan, 2024.

On has played Music World releases from artists such as Solange, Blaque, Vaughan Mason & Crew.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Music World!

a web of experimental ethereal music-fun ~ sometimes featuring guests and their funky thoughts and tunes

Tender Knob Radio with Metro Matt looks ahead at Bay Area shows this week and an assortment of Sunday evening selections.

Lydia Rivera plays an hour of new national releases and an hour of new local music and talks about her week, her family, and interesting music tidbits in between songs.

Themed playlists that make you feel things.

Celebrate, challenge, and redefine the concept of genre.

Think of the ultimate mix tape that you have some where buried deep in your basement or attic!

all things fuzz and synth - electronica, psychedelia, lo-fi, garage, funk, techno ++

pickle licious tracks sprinkled with new stuff, local stuff and all the things that make up my chaos brainz