
Project XII



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Recent broadcasts featuring Brambles

  • Auxlang Café 120 mins

  • It's 2023. I'm not gonna try so hard. At least not for this show. Just enjoy some music I love and a voice memo from Suldrew…

    Shadowtime № 28 60 mins

  • Tonight's edition features new tunes from Pye Corner Audio, Seigo Matsunaga + Tigran Hamasyan, Sam Prekop + John McEntire, Bing & Ruth, and lots more to…

    Sounds In The Dark 120 mins

  • Tonight's edition features new music from Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, Marc Barreca, CARM + Mouse on Mars, J Foerster + N KRAMER, and some older favorites from…

    Sounds In The Dark 120 mins

  • Tonight's edition features new music from The Green Kingdom and Federico Duran, as well as long-form greatness from Shy Layers and some fabulous sounds from Anne…

    Sounds In The Dark 120 mins

Love Brambles? These shows are for you!

A mid-week audio adventure in time, space, and being featuring transportive playlists and audio experiments from the host, other creatives, and you.

A weekly show where — in the spirit of a night out — we’ll try to dive into the topic of the universal language of music. Heavily biased towards Eastern Europe, Brazil and San Francisco.


Find more music and new artists based on playlists.