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Slow coast


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Recent broadcasts featuring Slow coast

  • Two full hours of eclectic fresh tunes from the Bay and beyond, including a guest artist spotlight on Richmond, California based guitarist/songwriter Victor Mitrani, aka LITTLE…

    WOTP Radio 120 mins

  • Join me and SlowCoast on this 3rd episode of The Ed Harvest's Garden. We talk about his new album "Depths like these".

    Id /ˈhɑːr.vəst/ S1 E3 60 mins

Love Slow coast? These shows are for you!

A show full of anything that has to do with rock music. That being from 60 years ago or 60 minutes ago. I am to make you giggle at my punny jokes and hopefully immerse you into the artist's mind when interviewing them. Welcome Se Habla Español

Two hours of fresh music from the Bay and beyond, with a second hyperlocal hour spotlight on all new releases from Bay area bands and artists, highlighted by a conversation and deep sonic dive with a different local guest artist(s) every episode.


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