Special hypeman edition! Covering all the upcoming shows - got some RM Francis in preparation for next week's gig, and got an awesome special guest mix from Peter Seligman / Trash Panda QC, who will be appearing at Algorithmic Art Assembly 2020 in March!
Playlist for Trash Panda QC mix is:
Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Apes Ma
ZZ Pot - ZZZiggurat Track 11
Diptera - Children's Story
Mark Fell - Sections 1-7
Moritz Von Oswald Trio - Yangissa
Tedious Limbs - Le Knight Coot
Sukitoa o Namau - Good Boy
Quijot - Enamel
Mouse on Mars - They Know Your Name
Rhythm & Sound - Roll Off
Jlin - Nyakinyua Rise
The Modern Institute - 200 edit
SDEM - Flargunnsto
Nancy Drone - Slide Tanogram
BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVE by Kush Jones on Strictly 4 MY CDJZ 6 (Visit http://kushjones.bandcamp.com) -
Seven-Week Wave Parade by RM Francis on Recycled Sleep (Visit http://rmfrancis.bandcamp.com) -
mix for highpoint lowlife by Trash Panda QC -
Kella by RAIME on Planted -
Offs by ignatius on Tethered EP (Visit http://ignatiusmusic.bandcamp.com) -
Myclium one by Vou on PFM Vol. 1 (Visit http://vouhardy.bandcamp.com) -
RUSTY COINS (Bonus Track - Bandcamp Only) by FTP UP on Stillicone Night Shift (Visit http://untorecords.bandcamp.com) -
Prospection by William-Fields on Imperfekt (Visit http://kaer-uiks.bandcamp.com) -
Sensorium Massage by William Fields on Shackamaxon (Conditional) -
Wookie Flex - Kindohm Remix by William Fields on Shackamaxon (Conditional) -
Algorithmic Art Assembly by TVO on Algorithmic Art Assembly (Highpoint Lowlife) -
Algorithmic Art Assembly live set by Kit Clayton on Algorithmic Art Assembly (Highpoint Lowlife)