EP042: All I Hear is Your Heart

Amazon claims it’s your time to buy that thing based on your past browsing and also saddle up for a whimsical and pug-tastic musical adventure of experimental music. With Bing’s help, you will immerse yourself in a vibrant symphony where playful melodies frolic alongside the delightful charm of pugs. Witness the harmonious fusion of unconventional sounds and the irresistible cuteness of these endearing canine companions. Their cat enemies though warn you not to experience a journey like no other as artists navigate uncharted musical territories, mirroring the joyful spirit and boundless curiosity of pugs exploring their world. Kick up your feet and microdose with us for a truly enchanting event that celebrates the harmonious blend of experimental music and the adorable charisma of pugs, creating a memorable and heartwarming experience for all.

[Show title reference: “Furnace Room Lullaby” by Neko Case]


  1. sbb by Youssef Abouzeid on aho (arab experimental)
  2. Break
  3. Celebração do Xingu ao Congo by Mbé on ROCINHA (QTV)
  4. 82ºs 62ºe by Sleep Research Facility on Deep Frieze (Cold Spring)
  5. Break
  6. Sabelithe by John Chowning on John Chowning: Turenas / Stria / Phoné / Sabelithe (wergo)
  7. Kermelak by Melmo on Kermelak (Self-released)
  8. Articulation by György Ligeti on Articulation (BRAIN DISCOS)
  9. Break
  10. Red Bird: A Political Prisoner's Dream, Pt. 1 by Trevor Wishart on Red Bird: A Political Prisoner's Dream (Sub rosa)