Maniac Mansion


  1. Sunday by Zipper on Dreamer's Gate (Tenth Court)
  2. Boiling Point by Ausmuteants on Order of Operation (Goner)
  3. Rights by Annika on Change (Sacred Bones)
  4. Keyboard Christ by The Lavender Flu on Barbarian Dust (In the Red)
  5. Bit Much by CLAMM on Care (Chapter)
  6. Sooner or Later by The Evens on The Odds (Dischord)
  7. Pervert by Pile on Jerk Routine (self-released)
  8. Future by Siglo XX on Siglo XX (Straatlawaai)
  9. Intercepted Message by Oh Sees on Intercepted Message (In the Red)
  10. Epoch Rock by GG King on Remain Intact (Total Punk)
  11. Headpin by Bedlocked on Sprawl (First to Bloom)
  12. Delivery Boy by The Courtneys on The Courtneys (Hockey Dad)