TECHNOFORNIA Episode 5: 90s Hardcore and Gabber

Square Dimensione - Brand new dance

Masaka Solo - Pessa Pessa

Nasty Django - Hardcore Mf-er

Biodome - Sound of the Jungle

Neophyte - Execute

Rave Generation - Going Crazy

MD&A - Blow



Drewcore - Oldloverz

DJ Weirdo and DJ Sim - Go Get Busy

DJ Paul and Teenage Warning - If the Kids Are United

DJ Ad - Rock Beyond the Thunderdome

3 Steps Ahead - Put Your Hands Up

Riot in NY Mental Lownoise GEEMix 2

3 Steps Ahead - Hardcore

Paul Eistak ft. Beatstream and Radiate - Angels Deserve to Die

Dither - G.A.B.B.E.R.


  1. A Brand New Dance by Square Dimensione (Rige Music)
  2. Pessa Pessa by Masaka Solo (Saifam Music)
  3. Hardcore Mf-er by Nasty Django (Gabber Nation)
  4. Biodome by Sound of the Jungle (Gabberhead Records)
  5. Execute by Neophyte (Self)
  6. Going Crazy by Rave Generation (Rave Nation)
  7. Blow by MD&A (Self)
  8. TURN OFF YOUR BRAIN by LENZ (Hardcore Classic)
  9. THIS IS DEDICATION by DROKZ (Thunderdome)
  10. Oldloverz (200 Bpm) by Drewcore on Single (DarkShark Industries IGL)
  11. Go Get Busy by DJ Weirdo and DJ Sim (Pengo Records)
  12. If the Kids Are United by DJ Paul and Teenage Warning (Thunderdome)
  13. Rock Beyond the Thunderdome by DJ Ad (Thunderdome)
  14. Put Your Hands Up by 3 Steps Ahead (Derailed Traxx)
  15. Riot in NY Mental Lownoise GEEMix 2 by Rob Gee, Repete & Mc Romeo (Master Maximum Records)
  16. Hardcore by 3 Steps Ahead (STEP2)
  17. Angels Deserve to Die by Paul Eistak ft. Beatstream and Radiate (Label Worx Limited)
  18. G.A.B.B.E.R. by Dither (Thunderdome)