



Most recently, Hangover Sessions played Lo Boob Oscillator by Stereolab on Sunday 17th Mar, 2024.

On has played Duophonic releases from artists such as Stereolab, Cavern of Anti-Matter.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Duophonic!

songs and words celebrating music, art, community, and friendship.

Synths, surf rock, garage, punk, noise, psych, hip-hop, a little bit of soul, trip-hop and music from other decades.

Music playing inside the haunted space age bachelor pads from your dreams. Experimental/industrial/psychedelia/krautrock/goth/lounge/occult/weird shit.

Hang out backstage with your new favorite band.

A show loosely based around exploring the threads and connections between songs through their lyrics, themes, sounds... or sometimes whatever topics the guest DJ's select!

Delivering a fun mix of independent and alternative music, featuring old favorites, new tracks, and local acts

Est. July 2013, hosted & curated by DJ Webbles and put together for the Love for all things melody and especially original, local & live music.