
  1. The Waves At Night by Phosphorescent on Pride (Dead Oceans)
  2. Late Night Bikes by Capybara on Dave Drusky (The Record Machine)
  3. Lost Words by Ganglians on Monster Head Room (Woodsist)
  4. Håll Ihop by Vapnet on Något Dåligt Nytt Har Hänt (Hybris)
  5. Be Good by Jens Lekman (Self Released)
  6. My Ten Years on Auto-Pilot by The Ruby Suns on The Ruby Suns (Memphis Industries)
  7. Rich Doors by NewVillager on NewVillager (IAmSound)
  8. Peripheral Visionaries by Young Galaxy on Shapeshifting (Paper Bag)
  9. Feel the Lighning by Dan Deacon on Feel the Lightning (Domino Recording)
  10. On My Way by Is Tropical on Black Anything, Pt 1 (Axis Mundi)
  11. Head by Heavenly Beat on Eucharist (571632 Records DK)
  12. Parasites by San Fermin on Parasites (Downtown Records)
  13. Nobody's Empire by Belle and Sebastian on Nobody's Empire (Matador)