Episode 70: Denley Hosts

Adonis, Ajgod, Astu, Azure, Betarock, Big Hongry, Cutso, Broken Convertibles, Buns, Chrisbaby, D-Styles, DJ IQ, DJ Eprom, DJ Grumble, Go Yama, Demahjiae, Dubldragon., Eighty9s, Fego Navarro, AB, G-Pek & Luke Sick, Geoffreythomas32, J. Mal, Rye Mann, Jaji Preme, Josy Coltrane, Knowmadic, Leo Mercer, Matt Bloom, Michael Sneed, Money Maka, Numi, OneWerd, Rushy Gatsby, Secret Sidewalk, Sticky Ricardo, Studio_Dad, Pretty Bobby, Jay Stone, Ricky Lake, Young Ocean, Telli Prego, Tia Nomore, Tyler Coolidge, Up Next Crew, brian mantra, koala., mieksneak., seph, thebuddha., tonyxtrotter


  1. ON mark (feat. Navy Blue) by Demahjiae on Soundcloud
  2. Far to Go by Fego Navarro, AB (Lyrical Opposition)
  3. Plain Sight by Matt Bloom on Left Coast Conference Vol. 2 (77 Rise Recordings)
  4. Love Us (Prod B. Young) by Jaji Preme on Soundcloud
  5. One on One by Eighty9s on Goodboys (Self-Released)
  6. Talk Nice by Numi on Disorderly (Self-Released)
  7. Reckless by Astu (Boyish Records)
  8. 24/7 by mieksneak. on Soundcloud
  9. Ripken by Secret Sidewalk on Primal Dap (Primal Dap Sound)
  10. The Doctor (Prod. by S Beats) by Betarock on Self-Released
  11. Al Powell by G-Pek & Luke Sick on Dankslob II (Megakut Records)
  12. nobody knows where the wind goes by seph on Soundcloud
  13. Untitled (Demo) [Produced by Danny G and Denley] by OneWerd on Unreleased
  14. brainstormin. by thebuddha. (Left Handed Mantis)
  15. Ounces by Broken Convertibles on (Upcoming Smart Bomb Release)
  16. Ullsee by koala. on Soundcloud
  17. Remember (feat. Iam Leo) by Leo Mercer on The Lost Element (Self-Released)
  18. Play Dis At Night by Up Next Crew on Soundcloud (Self-Released)
  19. Bobby by Big Hongry, Cutso on T.I.I.T.F. (Oriental Flavor Music)
  20. Collab by Ajgod on Collab (LightWork Records)
  21. Grumble Yama by DJ Grumble, Go Yama (GrimeLab Inc.)
  22. GET UP (produced by 3SR) by Rushy Gatsby on Unreleased (Self-Released)
  23. Desdemona by Geoffreythomas32 on Soundcloud (Self-Released)
  24. Kiss a Joint (feat. Iamsu!) by Azure on Godspeed (Friend Card)
  25. I Don't Stay High by Josy Coltrane on Josepi (Self-Released)
  26. Summer's Here by Telli Prego on Summer's Here (Self-Released)
  27. Never Be Famous (feat. Kensho Kuma) by Sticky Ricardo on Sticks and Stones (Forthcoming) (Self-Released)
  28. Collard Greens (feat. dehmajiae) by Michael Sneed on Days We Lost (Text Me Records)
  29. Kenshin by Adonis on Soundcloud (Self-Released)
  30. Letters by Buns (Move Set Records)
  31. sunday jam (prod. lilbadsnacks) by tonyxtrotter on Soundcloud (Self-Released)
  32. Feel Good by Money Maka (Bayby Hair Productions)
  33. The Aleph by Dubldragon. on Macroforms (Milled Pavement)
  34. Fallaway by Studio_Dad, Pretty Bobby, Jay Stone, Ricky Lake, Young Ocean on Text Me Records - Group Chat Vol. 2 (Text Me Records)
  35. Moe Butta (feat. Trey Coastal) by J. Mal, Rye Mann on Moe Butta (Trey Coastal LLC)
  36. Orbit by brian mantra (Self-Released)
  37. Death By 1000 Papercuts by D-Styles, DJ IQ, DJ Eprom (Alpha Pup Records)
  38. Rosé by Tyler Coolidge (Coolranch Records)
  39. Terminator Froze by Tia Nomore (Text Me Records)
  40. Westend by Chrisbaby (Inside Out)
  41. Spaceship95 by Tiki on Tiki Tape V2 (Self-Released)
  42. Coffee on Bush Street by .Tetsuo on [Life. Loops] (Self-Released)
  43. Only 4 tha Real by Caleborate on Hear Me Out (Self-Released)