Out now on Trouble in Mind Records, Naked Roommate's new album Do the Duvet offers deconstructed dance music to a world begging for complete deconstruction, combining no wave bass lines, guitar concréte, and a vocal star turn from a dada discotheque. (bandcamp)
Episode title is from the Naked Roommate song "Fondu Guru".
The Spacecats Oakland voter guide is good for voters who want to move left: http://spacecats.org/
In SF, League of Pissed Off Voters are always a worthwhile read: https://www.theleaguesf.org/voter_guides
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Adoramus te Christe (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina) by Turner Capehart on Early Music (self released) Local -
Squandered by Violent Change on S/T (self-released) Local -
Repeat by Naked Roommate on Do the Duvet (Trouble in Mind) Local -
Fondu Guru by Naked Roommate on Do the Duvet (Trouble in Mind) Local -
Blood Moon by Bear Call on Fancy Acid (self released) Local -
Triste Canción by Deseos Primitivos on Deseos Primitivos (En Tu Kara) Local -
Wayfarer by Pacific Yew on Wayfarer & Frans (self released) Local -
In Your Arms Forever by Grace Sings Sludge on Christ Mocked & the End of a Relationship (Empty Cellar) Local -
Last Place by Shutups on 5 (Kill Rock Stars) Local -
Future Dreams by Silent Era on Rotate the Mirror (Nervous Intent) Local -
Lucky Star by Burner Herzog on Big Love (Paisley Shirt) Local -
Burn This Town by Flex (Vacant Stare) Local -
Life Before Thought by David Novick on Before the Dream (self released) Local -
Ready to Die by Body Double on Milk Fed (Zum) Local -
Fading Bones by James Wavey aka Alleyes Manifest on Hello (self released) Local -
You Lie to Me Too by Lily Sloane on Misophonia: Mouth Noises (self released) Local -
Inner World by Absent City on Continue Normal Living (Homing Instinct) Local -
Eject by Swayed on Diminished (self released) Local -
Leviathan by The Telephone Numbers (self released) Local -
Jinx by Pork Belly on Jinx & Chew (self released) Local -
NOmaste by Fleshies on Introducing The Fleshies (self released) Local -
Tamale's Lament by Muñecas on ESL Soundsystem (self released) Local -
Behind Bars by Balms (self-released) Local -
Subverter of Geography by Forest Bees on Forest Bees (self released) Local -
Don't Cry to Me by Nu Normol on No Love Songs (self released) Local -
Blackstone Riders by Randy Thomas & The Insecures (self released) Local -
Drown by Frank Ene on No Longer (self released) Local -
Free the Floor by POW! on Shift (Castle Face) Local -
Worth It by Nimsins (self released) Local -
Slow Death by Tony Jay on A Wave in the Dark (Paisley Shirt) Local -
So Happy (the End of a Beautiful Nightmare) by Margalee (self released) Local -
Alternator by Pat Thomas on I Ain't Buyin' It (Empty Cellar) Local -
Higher by Plattenbau on Days Like Water (Glowing Dagger) Local -
Determination/Affirmations by Qing Qi on Emotionally Intelligent (Pu Tang) Local -
Damage Control by Latitude on Mystic Hotline (Emotional Response) Local -
FNP by Nate Budroe on Casa Pacheco (self released) Local -
Follow Me by Stoney Creation (self released) Local -
Goner (Live) by Practicing Sincerity on Live at Outer Space (self released) Local -
Fortune's Wheels by Psychic Hit on Promo 2018 (self-released) Local -
Heaven Must Have Sent You (12 by Bonnie Pointer (Motown) Local -
Down Down Gently by The Younger Lovers on 4/4 Kick... and let the beat ride! (Southpaw) Local