Deseos Primitivos on Top tracks 1. 18 Triste Canción 2. 11 Oakland Vive y Llora 3. 3 Ojo por Ojo 4. 2 Existir Triste Canción appears on Deseos Primitivos
Discover Find your new favorite record on! Recent broadcasts featuring Deseos Primitivos Ep 321: "I Was Given/ A Simple Instrument" August 5 2024 Episode title "I Was Given/ A Simple Instrument" is from the Pardoner song "Future of Music" from the new EP Paranoid in Hell ( bandcamp ). I Luv Mondays 60 mins Play Loading… Pause Ep 317: "You're Glowing" June 10 2024 Episode title "You're Glowing" comes from the 2021 demo by Lurks ( bandcamp ), who play Monday, June 17 at thee Stork Club with Cruz, Spa,… I Luv Mondays 60 mins Play Loading… Pause Ep 276: "I'm Losing My Mind/ I'm Losing My Home/ Because of You" July 24 2023 Episode title "I'm Losing My Mind/ I'm Losing My Home/ Because of You" is from the song "Gentrifier" by Mano Fico on the Alpha Bitch EP. I Luv Mondays 60 mins Play Loading… Pause Ep 266: "Coming to Your Town" May 8 2023 Episode title "Coming to Your Town" is from the new Chime School single of the same name: " They're coming to your town/ And they'll monetize… I Luv Mondays 60 mins Play Loading… Pause Ep 182: "Photo Says" August 2 2021 Torrey , whose debut Something Happy ( bandcamp ) combines in-your-dreams melodies with skittish rhythms of an invigorating tension. They play Saturday night at the Rickshaw… I Luv Mondays 60 mins Play Loading… Pause Love Deseos Primitivos? These shows are for you! I Luv Mondays Will Playing the hits of the bay area. Wake The F Up! Steve Foxx Rock Music and Revolution to wake up to. My Sick & Twisted Reality Jams for the unwashed masses. Sometimes local, always politically and sonically radical.
My Sick & Twisted Reality Jams for the unwashed masses. Sometimes local, always politically and sonically radical.