No pithy summary of Absent City's celestial Continue Normal Living (bandcamp) need be made when we have the thoughtful interview that songwriter Henry Freedland had with David Klion of Jewish Currents.
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Snow Queen by Blades of Joy on MMXXXMAS (self released) Local -
Send Her My Love by Journey on Frontiers (Columbia) Local -
We're Dumb by Salami Rose Joe Louis on Chapters of Zdenka (Brainfeeder) Local -
Lost in Space by R.E. Seraphin on A Room Forever (Paisley Shirt) Local -
Empire Line by Absent City on Continue Normal Living (Homing Instinct) Local -
California Afternoons by Absent City on Continue Normal Living (Homing Instinct) Local -
Cross Bay by Meg Baird (self released) Local -
Fantasy Life by Moonrun on Fantasy Life (self released) Local -
Righteous (remix) by Spote Breeze ft. Pas Doo (self released) Local -
Subverter of Geography by Forest Bees on Forest Bees (self released) Local -
Déjà Vu by Galore on Galore (Rocks in Your Head) Local -
Leviathan by The Telephone Numbers (self released) Local -
4AM by The Seshen on CYAN (Tru Thoughts) Local -
Wet Leather by Juicebumps on Hello Pinky! (Lil Slugger) Local -
The Pledge by Grace Sings Sludge on Christ Mocked & the End of a Relationship (Empty Cellar) Local -
Tour of the West by 2 Lazy Boys on The Recline fo Civilization (Deimos) Local -
Nightmare by Same Girls on Embarrassment of Riches (Text Me) Local -
FCKSH!T by Studio_Dad feat. Richie Cunning & phem on Text Me Records: Group Chat - A Back to School Mixtape (Text Me) Local -
Ooombaaa by Cobrina on Hits of the Bay Bay 2020 (Tubbit) Local An incredible run of hits all year long interspersed with dozens of books read, a hundred contextless novel-related musings listened to, some truly weird vibes left behind, so many runs around the block, marches marched for black lives, walks, talks, deeply romantic kisses and a listen or two to here comes the sun on a tiny music box. Life sure is wonderful with you. Merry Christmas, let's hang out.