Sounds In The Dark - 3.29.23

Tonight's edition features new music from Johanna Brouk, Ekin Fil, Jeff Parker and Hior Chronik, plus travel back in time for some 1970s-1980s new age bliss from Pupol Vuh, Emerald Web and Robbie Basho.


  1. Borealis by Ekin Fil on Rosewood Untitled (re:st) New
  2. Alberta (feat. Matthew Stevens) by Jeff Parker on I Am A Pilgrim - Doc Watson at 100 (FLi Records) New
  3. Venus In Cancer by Robbie Basho on Venus In Cancer (UMG Recordings)
  4. Hosianna-Mantra by Popol Vuh on Hosianna-Mantra (Edition Popol Vuh)
  5. The Empty Mirror by Black Taffy on Elder Mantis (leaving records)
  6. Moss Garden by David Bowie on Heroes (RCA)
  7. Last Day by Hior Chronik (Born To Live) New
  8. The Space Between by Joanna Brouk on The Space Between (Numero Group)
  9. Escape Music from City to Paradise by Visible Cloaks on Visible Cloaks (RVNG Intl)
  10. 777 by Nico Georis on A Rainbow in Curved Air (Spiritual Pajamas)
  11. Impossible Island by Gaussian Curve on Clouds (Music From Memory)
  12. Bouquet by Bobby Hutcherson on Happenings (Blue Note Records)
  13. Fog by Emerald Web on Catspaw (Audion)