039 - Sink into the Cosmic Ooze


  1. Featured Accolades by Tegmentum on Accolades (M-Theory Audio) New Local
  2. Rotting Body in the Range of Light by Feral Season on Rotting Body in the Range of Light (Profound Lore Records)
  3. Communion at Dusk by Realms of Vision on Through All Unknown (Creator-Destructor Records) Local
  4. Featured Forlorn and Frozen Flames by Mammon XV on Woes and Winter's Breath (Suburban Misery) New
  5. Featured Autumn Horse by Laudanum on The Coronation (20 Buck Spin) Local
  6. Endlessly by Embrium on Embrium (2903394 Records) Local
  7. Saudade Pt. 2 by Forn on Weltschmerz (Gilead Media) Local
  8. Look Pt. 1 by Agriculture (The Flenser) New
  9. Selenotrope by Botanist on VII (Prophecy Productions) New Local
  10. Featured Fields at Dawn by Tideless on Fields at Dawn (Self-Released) New