tune in for a very special episode !! i got the chance to chat with frankie, jose, and cyrus from still ruins about how the band got started, their most recent ep, what's coming up next for them, and tons more.
Featured Until Then by Still Ruins on S/T (Smoking Room) Local - Break
Of Devotion by Still Ruins on S/T (Smoking Room) Local -
Two Lips by Choir Boy on Passive With Desire (Dais) -
This Love Is Fucking Right! by The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart on The Pains of Being Pure at Heart (Slumberland) - Break
Perfect Blue by Still Ruins on S/T (Smoking Room) Local -
Silhouette by Still Ruins on S/T (Smoking Room) Local -
Harvest Apartments by Welcome Strawberry on Welcome Strawberry (Cherub Dream) Local - Break
Goodbye by New Circle on Memento (Smoking Room) Local -
Isolater by House of Harm on Vicious Pastimes (Avant!) - Break
Left Against by Still Ruins on S/T (Smoking Room) Local