
Astro Nautico



Most recently, Talk and Noise at Night played Gotta Be Your Lover by Jon Bap on Wednesday 6th Mar, 2024.

On has played Astro Nautico releases from artists such as Photay, Jon Bap.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Astro Nautico!

I like it all so I play it all. Electronic/House/Disco/Soul/R&B/Rap/Hip-Hop/Pop/Jazz/Classical.

A bi-weekly, hump-day haven of catharsis and sonic exploration brought to you by by Lonald J. Bandz

Opened with guitars & ended in things that bleep; new music in the fine tradition of British evening sessions.

Experimental electronic and electroacoustic soundscapes, from ambient to avant-pop.

Hang out backstage with your new favorite band.

Brand new electronica music served fresh from the future right to your ears

songs and words celebrating music, art, community, and friendship.

an eclectic new theme weekly w. Mz Prizm and special guests b/c music is a sound rainbow, and you are a prism! 🌈