



Most recently, Midnight Train played Power by DUAL LIONS on Tuesday 5th Mar, 2024.

On has played Ultramajic releases from artists such as Jimmy Edgar, WOA, DUAL LIONS, Sfire, Crystal Bandito, Jimmy Edgar, Rochelle Jordan, Vin Sol, J-E-T-S, Michael e, House Monster.


Check out these shows on, showcasing music from Ultramajic!

The sickest and sexiest jams made and played in the UK. All delivered by Miles Otway aka The Real House Husband of San Francisco!

House, disco and whatever else is lurking in the crates. Usually all vinyl, but I try not to be a dick about it.

come get your weekly dose of high energy house musik

Keep the weekend buzz going at Last Call.

Velaluna presents a variety of electronic tunes being transmitted from the astral realm ranging from techno/house to bass to footwork/juke & experimental beats to drum & bass & beyond!

a 2-hour long channeled music that taps into the creative human experience