Oed by Chain of Flowers on ALERT (Alter) -
Windswept (Reprise) by Johnny Jewel on Twin Peaks (Limited Event Series Soundtrack) (Rhino) -
Transmission 1 by Samuel Kerridge & Taylor Burch on The Other (Downwards) -
Los by Plaid on Polymer (Warp) -
Pneumania by E L O N on Pneumania (Left Hand Path) -
Zexor by Zomby on Vanta (Bedouin) -
E.D.M. Money by Sim Hutchins on E.D.M. Money (Following Zero) -
Agora Sem Brincadeiras by Puto Tito on Carregando A Vida Atrás Das Costas (Príncipe) -
On Retinae (East Version) by Dip In The Pool on On Retinae (Music From Memory) -
Sitting Down to Boolean Tea by Matt Carlson on The View From Nowhere (Shelter Press) -
Body Rushes by Helm on Chemical Flowers (PAN) -
In Gold Mills by Rainer Veil on Vanity (Modern Love) -
Dwell Time by Kaspi & Stride on Leanings (Soda Gong) -
Coastal Trapped Disturbance by Rafael Anton Irisarri on Solastalgia (Room40) -
Faith Alone by Vanity Productions on Only The Starts Come Out At Night (Posh Isolation) -
How the Universe Is With You by Simulation on Death's Head Speaks (Hausu Mountain) -
Three Knocks by Lussuria on Three Knocks (Hospital Productions) -
Simian Angel by Oren Ambarchi on Simian Angel (Editions Mego) -
Serpentine Mosaic by Kassel Jaeger on Le Lisse et le Strié (Latency) -
Coast by Christopher Willits on Sunset (Ghostly) -
Shirley To Shirley by Felicia Atkinson on The Flower & The Vessel (Shelter Press) -
Passage Under the Mountains by M. Geddes Gendras on I Am The Last of That Green and Warm-Hued World (Hausu Mountain)