Loose Canon Listening Club

About Loose Canon Listening Club

Whatever you think of classical music, put those thoughts aside for two hours every Sunday morning. Join Sasha (formerly Boy with Girl's Name Morning Mixtape) with open ears and an open mind to explore the vast world of orchestral, chamber, opera, experimental, and other forms of art music.

Sleep in and never miss an episode by joining the LCLC mail list.

Heavy Rotation

  • Sunday 8:00 – 10:00am


  • Did you eat that gummy one to two hours ago? Good. Then, it's safe to fire up this playlist. Released a day late for 4/20/2020, this…

  • Lots of new music to share with you this week, including new and recent releases by Annika Socolofsky and Latitude 49, Scott L. Miller and the…

  • Tune in anytime by adding Loose Canon Listening Club to your podcast app.

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  • This week's episode is dedicated to the sound worlds of our cities. While millions of us stay home, a new quiet has suffused our streets. I…

  • Recorded in my temporary home studio, this week's episode is for all of you out there who are experiencing that unique combination of cabin fever and…

  • Once again recorded in my temporary home studio, this episode is dedicated to all of you out there who are dedicating yourselves to sheltering in place.

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