Episode 052 - Russia Russia Russia

Girls and Boys, ain't we sick of just saying this over and again? But guess what? It's always back to Russia. Putin. Trump. Collusion. Conspiracy.

Check this interactive link to everyone involved with the Russian investigation. Mark my words, when this whole shebang is over it will be the largest and greatest threat to our nation ever. As in, ever.


Rock the show today. Then go do your patriotic duty. Flip the House of Representatives.



  1. Night City by The Sword on Warpriders (Kemado)
  2. Anoxia by Chastity on xxx
  3. Squealer by AC/DC on Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Atlantic)
  4. Back to the Shack by Weezer on xxx
  5. Pyramid Eye by Evil Triplet on xxx
  6. When the Walls Came Tumbling Down by Def Leppard on On Through the Night (Arista)
  7. Russia Russia Russia by Keith Olberman on The Resistance (GQ)
  8. Effigy by Creedence Clearwater Revival on xxx
  9. Only A Memory by The Smithereens on XXX
  10. Reverse the Curse by Shadowparty on xxx
  11. Pumped Up by Sir Lord Baltimore on xxx
  12. Atomic no. 10 by The Luxembourg Signal on The Luxembourg Signal